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Practice Makes Perfect

Written by SimpleLaw | 2/25/21 4:15 PM

Adopting new habits or technology for that matter isn't always easy. In fact, it can be downright challenging. The good news is once you create a plan to practice that change and follow it, it quickly and easily becomes a new habit. When it comes to case management software, it's not different. And it makes a huge difference in how you spend your limited and valuable time.  See the 6 steps it takes to get it done. And take control of your time and practice, too.

Decide To Do It

Yup. It starts there. Maybe you've been thinking about taking the plunge and adopting a full case management software platform. Maybe you've tried in the past but given up. Or maybe you are just waiting to feel inspired. We get that. And inspiration can be in short supply these days. In our home, we are still working and schooling from home. It's just 'making the donuts' (if you are old enough to remember that ad campaign). 

But inspiration is really at your fingertips. We have cited so many research articles that clearly state the benefits of using legal technology, including

  • Growing law firms use tech. Shrinking law firms don't. 
  • Efficiency improvement varies from 30% to nearly 200%. Suffice it to say, it depends on where you are now. Using excel and various manual tools? You are look at the 200%+ range. Already using tech but not a full platform? Closer to the 30%. Which, let's face it, 30% is an additional 12 hours a week. 
  • Case management software doesn't have to be expensive. (see SimpleLaw)

So, what are you waiting for... Courage? Free time? A push? Maybe just your morning coffee to kick your brain into full gear? Whatever you need to get started, now is the time. Take control of your tomorrows starting today.

Stick To It

Just like that exercise or wellness routine or getting those veggies in, it can be a challenge to follow through. We get that. 

If you are able to mentally attack it, and focus on the decision to get it done, go you. Others may need a bit more encouragement. If that's you, there are some great ways to stay accountable.

  • Share the decision with others. By doing this, they will occasionally ask you about it. Or at least remind you that you made the decision. Accountability is a great motivator.
  • Remind yourself why you decided to do it. Not to use the fear based approach, but maybe your firm isn't meeting your targets. Or maybe you are finding yourself spending too much time on admin tasks instead of law. 
  • Join a user group for the software you choose. 
  • Join a user group through your bar association. 

Ultimately, you just have to put your head down and get it done. But we all need a push now and again. Remember, it's about the outcome, not the process.

Track Gains

Sometimes, it makes me a bit crazy when my trainer keeps asking for pictures. I HATE sending in pictures of myself in my workout gear. But then a month later, I send the same picture and can see a difference. And that motivates me. It's the same with your case management software. Well, other than the pictures.

Keep track of the changes. How long does it take you now to complete the billing cycle? You know, time tracking, invoice creation, sending, and processing billings. Our bet is it's longer than you want. But write it down. And then, after you start using your software, see how long it takes. Our bet is it's a lot less. Like a LOT less. 

Monitoring the improvements along the way inspires you to keep going. Just like those darn pictures. 

Persistence is Key

It's not all hunky dory. You will hit roadblocks. But remember they are roadblocks and not the end. Like my mother always says, the only way is through. You can't circumvent the roadblock. But you can address it and correct from there.

I read a post on LinkedIn this week about how legal technology isn't perfect, that sometimes it won't work. And sometimes it requires changes to the technology itself. I agree 100% with all of that. But it also can mean that changes can be addressed on the side of the law firm too. We hate 'If It Isn't Broken Don't Fix It'. We love 'It Can Be Better So Let's Improve It. Now.'

And that applies to your processes and procedures too. I'm not suggesting you change all of your processes to manage technology. That's just crazy. But as you are adopting the technology and you hit a road block, consider your internal processes. Be open to adjusting them. There is always room for improvement. That's true for legal technology and case management software, too. 

Celebrate and Share

Did you adopt the technology? Are you saving the time and finding the efficiencies you wanted? If so, celebrate that. And share your success, too. Include those roadblocks. Add any tips that you relied on to get to that finish line. There are other law firms out there looking to adopt technology too. Learning from a fellow attorney is a great way to get up that curve.

And remember, you have to keep using it to really make the change. No going back to old ways from time to time. Of course, you need to be flexible for clients, but generally speaking, remember practice makes perfect. And as a provider of case management software, let your product know what works and what doesn't. I love hearing from our users about how great the software is. But what I need to hear is what isn't working. That way we keep getting better. Because even for us, practice makes (more) perfect.