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Overcoming Tech Concerns

Written by SimpleLaw | 12/9/21 4:15 PM

After reading all the information from the ABA about the (lack of) adoption of technology by attorneys and law firms during the pandemic, our thoughts turned to what's holding people back. Some ideas are posed in the analysis, but we have some first-hand experience, based on feedback from our potential users. And we help you overcome them. Why? Well, it's about making attorneys more efficient, so more time is spent practicing law, versus doing all the admin stuff. There is so much data that points to the many benefits of case management software adoption, including being one of the key differentiators between successful and not-so-successful law firms.

It's Not Broken

Hey, we get it. The systems used now are 'working' for your firm. But the real question here is what does 'working' mean? Sure, you are likely getting all of the tasks done. And yes, habits can be a challenge to break. But the reality is, if we had that perspective in all things, we would still use typewriters for document creation. And I know no one wants to go back to that.

Rather, the approach should be 'it can be better so let's improve it now'. The first step is to consider the parts that are broken. Every system has aspects that may drive you nuts. Whatever comes to mind first, the thing that you kind of have to hype yourself up to do is the first area to consider. For many, it's the invoicing process. That's what we hear. It takes too many hours. When looking at case management software, you will see that it can be fixed. Easily and quickly. 

So even if you are getting things done, so it's not technically broken, it just isn't keeping up with the best option available to make you and your law firm more productive.

Tech Nervous

We get that, too. Not everyone is comfortable with technology. And no doubt it can be uncomfortable. But the reality is, if you find the right technology, it is easy to use and super intuitive. Sure, there will be details that may feel, well, out of your wheelhouse. But if you connect with the case management software provider, they are there to help. Look for a provider that works to resolve your issues, not just tells you how to do it. 

With the right solution, it's much like using your smartphone. It's pretty darn intuitive. And you don't really need to do much at all but use the software. That's part of the beauty of cloud-based software. But it's more than that. It's the provider offering unlimited support and taking your technology concerns and making them easier.

Cost Concerns

There is such a wide range of price points in the industry. Don't solely look at the most known options. There are many providers out there and offerings are expanding constantly. A competitive market is good for potential users. In many cases, discounts are available based on the number of subscriptions, whether billed monthly or annually and many other factors. Of course, it never hurts to ask, either. Extended free trial periods are often available, too.

Working with Existing Technology

No one wants to start from scratch with whatever tech tools they are already using. So if you are using a cloud storage platform, look for options that work with that. Similarly, look for platforms that work with your existing online payment option, accounting too, eSignature tool, and more. If the case management software tool you like doesn't work with any of those existing tools, ask the provider to create the option. Chances are the work done to help your firm will also help others. Look for providers that take into account user recommendations and actually act on them.

Transition is Hard

The reality is learning something new can be hard. There is simply no getting around that. However, if you focus on the benefit, it makes the entire process that much easier. Look for a supplier that offers unlimited training, live, as well as online resources. Ask your preferred supplier if they upload your existing information into the new platform or if that's left for you to do. Look for a provider that does the technology for you. After all, you shouldn't need to know how to do all that stuff... you are an attorney, not a technologist.

We aren't saying it's always going to be smooth sailing. But remember you didn't always like to text either. Look for a case management software platform that makes the process easier, handles the technology for you, and is responsive to your requests. Not only will you be more efficient, but you will also have more time to actually practice law.