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Client Analytics That Grow Your Firm

Written by SimpleLaw | 2/4/21 6:00 PM

The focus on data and analytics is now at the forefront of many discussions around law firms. With more and more potential clients looking for legal help online, law firms are discovering they need to really monitor what's happening in order to grow their law firm. What is our conversion rate? Where are we efficient? Where are we dropping the ball? Those questions are all answered by data analytics.

So, what kind of data? Everything you can imagine. From analyzing your website traffic to the number of touch points that need to be made with a client in order to have them choose your firm, to actually managing the business side of your practice. All of this data helps attorneys become more efficient and grow. You didn't become an attorney to search for clients, manage invoices and payments, and the rest of the business side. Data helps attorneys figure out how to spend more time practicing law.

Here we consider some key data points for those of you new to the idea of data and related insights.


Do you have Google Analytics connected to your website? If not, that's the best first step. Understanding your web traffic, from beginning to end, delivers insight to how people are finding you, and that tells you where you could focus to connect with more potential clients. There are other web analytics providers, too, other than Google. Whoever you choose to partner with, here are some key metrics to monitor:

  • Traffic source: This tells you how people are finding your website. So it could be a google search, it could be referral from another page, or it could be from a promotional effort your firm launched. How people are finding you gives you insight to focus your efforts on the most productive outlets or let you refine your approach too.
  • Time on site: Are your web visitors checking out your site? Or are they seeing the homepage and moving on? If they are spending time on your site and reviewing multiple pages, that's a good sign. If they aren't, perhaps it's time to review your website. Is the site demonstrating your key differences and expertise? Is your website giving visitors a reason to look around, making it easy to find the information they are looking for?
  • Overall traffic trends: Are more or less visitors coming to your site than a previous period? If traffic overall is declining, that could mean several things. Could be a new offer has come in to the area and is promoting their firm or something along those lines. It could be that demand for your particular services are down in your area. It could mean any number of things. But to figure that out, you first need to know if overall traffic is up, down, or level. 
    • If traffic is up, be sure to look at the comparison to the previous period. Which pages are up? It may be a particular piece of content that resonated. It could be that you updated the navigation bar and made it easier to find your content. Don't just give yourself a high-five and move on. 
    • If traffic is flat, look at the details by source. Is one source up while another is down? Dig deeper to see what's actually going on.
    • If traffic is down, again, dig deep. Are searches down? Is content that was drawing traffic now dated and needs to be updated? Perhaps it's seasonal?
    • Then think about what you learned from digging deeper. And put it into action not only now, but ongoing. We find most law firm website get stagnant because they aren't updated. This isn't a set it and forget it kind of thing. Keep your law firm website updated.
  • Interaction/Goal Completion: So, with Google Analytics you can set goals for your website. Perhaps your goal is form completion - like a 'Contact Us' form. Or a click on a link to 'Contact Us'. Whatever the case, monitoring goal completion is a key metric. After all, even if your traffic is way up and they are spending a lot of time on your site, if they aren't connecting with you, it doesn't really matter.
    • Once you set your goal, be sure to monitor it. So, if the goal is form completion for a Contact Us page and you aren't seeing conversion, dig deeper. Look at the things that lead up to that. Are people coming to the page? If not, consider adding more links within each page of your site to make it easy for people to get to that page. If people are going to the page but not completing it, make it easier for them. Consider moving the form to the top. You get the idea. Try a few things and monitor it.


So, once a potential client reaches out, what happens then? Do you know how long it takes for your firm to respond? What is the approach or the 'voice' that you are using? How many touch points do you make before you gain, or lose, a potential client?

This data is super important. Like, SUPER important information. New clients are the lifeblood of your firm. How do you think they feel when reaching out? Below are some key metrics as well as some things to consider from the interpersonal side, too.

  • Contact location: Do your potential clients find you online and then call? Or do they email?  How often is that email checked? Or do they complete a form online? Be sure to create a policy to follow for each contact method.
  • Response time: Seemingly, if they call, the phone is answered. So that's pretty easy. But what happens next? How promptly are those messages reviewed? And how quickly are the phone calls returned, if not handled at the initial call. Same thing for each method of contact.
  • Next steps: Does the potential client know what to expect next? Have you answered their questions, whether you are able to accept their matter or not? Be sure the client knows what to expect and when. And then, live up to that.


So now you have a client. Are you tracking their feedback during the case? Better yet, are you asking? It's important to monitor the client experience throughout the process. It doesn't have to be anything more than just listening... clients can feel quite concerned and anxious. Be sure they have some method to give feedback during the case, whether a non-billed call or an anonymous survey. And be sure to monitor the feedback and adjust as possible.

  • Keep lines of communication open. Clients often have a lot on their minds. It can cover basic questions about the matter, some 'what if?' questions, and probably some 'what's next?' questions.
  • Give clients a way to connect anonymously. It's important for clients to feel they can provide the feedback they need, even if it's hard to say to a specific person. Review the feedback patiently... and remember to look for learning.
  • Once the matter is closed, give the client the option to stay connected. Think about a quarterly client newsletter where you can share information on the latest legal issues, updates on your firm, and maybe some highlights about the local community.

There are many more data analytics to consider. But starting with these, with a focus on your clients, will be a great starting point. What other data analytics do you believe are important?