
Learn About SimpleLaw for Attorneys

Written by SimpleLaw | 4/9/18 4:16 PM

Built by attorneys for attorneys and their clients, SimpleLaw improves the efficiency of your law firm and brings clients greater peace of mind. Think of us as an online meeting place. Potential clients, attorneys, and paralegals all connect on the same platform where the case and practice are managed. Simple.

Find out more about the SimpleLaw difference. Book a demo. Or, just sign up for a free trial. And, naturally, we are here to help.

Add your attorney profile to immediately connect with potential new clients. Because we know it takes time away from practicing the law to grow your firm. So, we made it easier. There is never a fee to have your profile on the platform and if you gain a new client or matter through SimpleLaw, there is never a fee for that either. We are founded by attorneys. They don't like the policies so we don't use them either.

Our attorney users like us for a few key reasons:

  • We attract potential clients on the same platform where cases and your practice are managed.
  • Clients have their own portal, which gives them greater peace of mind throughout the resolution of their matter. 
  • Co-counsel and referrals on the platform as simple!
  • Eliminate document integration issues. 
  • Access to on-demand paralegal support
  • And of course a complete toolbox to manage cases and the practice.

Our toolbox includes everything you need to manage cases and your practice, including automated time tracking, instant invoice creation for one matter or all matters, online payment options for clients featuring LawPay, communication with clients right through the portal, calendar, email, and cloud storage integration with both Google and Outlook, and so much more. 

As technology capabilities expand, so do its possibilities. So remember to check in with SimpleLaw on upcoming enhancements. 

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